Tuesday 30 October 2012

My Favorite Propagander

Reading record

Boy in the stripped P.J's
John Boyne
Page 57 - 60
Maria (The house maid) felt touched because of Bruno asked Maria if she was apart of the family. Maria replied "I don't think your father would like that. Bruno mumbled under his breath "Stupid father.". Maria covered her mouth like she was shocked and look around to see if there was no one around. She said "You shouldn't say that about your dad."

I think that the book has like a very good story and I think that it's making me imagine very detailed pages.

Friday 26 October 2012

Reading record

Book: The boy in the stripped PJ's
Author: John Boyne
Pages:  39-53

Bruno's dad started to put his uniform on and just started work. But, there was one thing he had to take care of first. I still had to settle him and his familiy into the new house. Bruno is not growing fond of the new house and is nagging his dad to go back to Berlin.

Feelings: This book is going uhh... interesting?

Thursday 25 October 2012

WW2 notes

My Grandad was going to the war until he got told that he makes a better farmer.
I had a load more people in the war who had there stories untold. All I know is that they fought the war.

My burning tree

I like
Killing for
My country, Fighting
For my loved ones. Saving the
Family. I like shooting, living and finding
Nazi soldiers
Who captured
my family.
Will they pay
For my sacrifice.

Reading record

Book: Boy in the stripped Pj's
Author: John Boyne
Page 30 - 38

Summary: Bruno and Gretel just found the "neibours" living area. A.K.A, The prison with all the boys in the Stripped p.j's. Bruno and Gretel was also complaining about the fact that there were no animals.
Feelings: I think hta this book is getting really powerful.

Thursday 18 October 2012


Are explosive,
Deadly, heavy, destructive
 Coming along with a

Playing, living
Happy, humming, settle
Living large, living free
Boom! Air raids,
Making deadly
Healthy, living
Walking, playing. Running
Being happy, Feeling Tired,
Bang! Slowly drifting
Away becoming

As the trigger pulls on the persons gun,
The bullet is released to seek and to stun.
As the bullet pulls towards his cut.
The bullet was punched through his gut.

WW2 Words

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Reading - Day 2

Tittle - Boy in the striped PJ's
Author - John Boyne
Pages - 1 - 5

Bruno was surprised when maria (the house maid) who always had her head to the ground.

Feelings - I really am enjoying this book because it's got a meaning to the war.

Tuesday 16 October 2012


Tittle: Anne Frank: The diary
Author: Anne Frank
Pages read: 3

Summary of what happened - There were policemen standing outside of these guys house. They already arrested 8 people hiding in Annexe. Three of the policemen were Dutch. I guy went to prison but escaped and went to Canada. He then died in Toronto in 1989.

Thoughts or feelings - I don't grow fond of this book. I'm not a big fan of war diarys.