Thursday, 9 August 2012

Chapter 13 - I plunged to my death.

Wednesday 8 Augest

1. Percys face is on all sorts of newspapers.
2. Athena was taken to her farther. Athena can't raise Anabeth due to her being a god. Anabeth's farther got married and forgot about Anabeth. Anabeth was like the shadow that was never there. She was the blamed for in dangering her step parent and real farther. She ran from home when she was 7.
3.  Chiron and Grover since that there both really close to Anabeth in the story. Athena guided her to there.
4. Percy thinks Anabeth wouldn't be a good building designer thing. Anabeth is dualistic and has ADHD. Percy can't see Anabeth sitting still.
5. Helm of darkness which is a hat like Anabeth. The helm can not be touched, hurt and it can stop your heart and he can walk through walls.
6. A dog. Has 4 tounges. Also, has a lions head, reainstone dog collar, Serpent tail, and the body of a goat. On the collar, Rabid, Fire breathering, poisonous - If found, please call Tartarus. The fat lady is the mother of all monsters.
7. Slashed the Chiremas neck. He forgot about the serpents tail which the tail was a snake.
8. He thinks hes gonna die anyway.
9. He would of not had any one to protect.

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